Saturday, July 27, 2024

The birthplace of the Internet: the emergence of the Internet in Los Angeles and the world

The Internet is a significant part of our lives. Today it is hard to imagine work, leisure and study without the World Wide Web. Thanks to the Internet, humanity is developing, improving their skills and optimizing work processes and business. But did you know that the Internet appeared exactly in Los Angeles? It was our hometown where the messages began to be transmitted over the network for the first time. Today, we will talk more about the emergence of the Internet and what role Los Angeles researchers played in it. Read more on the pages of

Birthplace of the Internet

Most of us have jobs, studies and businesses connected to the Internet. Without this asset, we can hardly imagine our lives. But it turns out the world owes the emergence of the Internet to researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles. It was at this institution of higher education, under the leadership of a young professor, Leonard Kleinrock, the first steps were taken concerning the modern Internet.

It all happened on October 29, 1969. The University of California decided to perform an experiment and send a text message to the Stanford Research Institute using the ARPANET network. We should add that the first ARPANET server was installed on September 1, 1969, at the University of California. That is why the ARPANET network is considered the forerunner of the Internet.

Scientists Charley Kline and Bill Duvall decided to connect another computer on the network and transmit a message. They used a telephone to record the experiment. The scientists intended to write the word “Login” in the message. But the system malfunctioned, so they transmitted only the first three letters as “Log”. That’s how the password for logging into the system was later called. 

Two years later, the first e-mail forwarding program appeared and became popular in the United States.

Development of the World Wide Web

ARPANET initially connected four institutions of higher education in the United States. Subsequently, the network began to develop rapidly and was used more than just in the education area. Undoubtedly, the experiment within the walls of the University of California was the impetus for the beginning of a new era of human civilization. After all, with the advent of the World Wide Web, people’s lives have changed dramatically.

Researchers and scientists did not stop there. In 1988, they created the IRC protocol, which allowed people to communicate in real time. A year later, the idea of the World Wide Web concept emerged in Europe.

In the early 90s, private companies began to appear gradually, providing Internet connection services in some U.S. cities. By the early 2000s, Americans were actively communicating and transmitting information online. Also, during this period, mobile Internet gradually began to appear. Since 2004, the first social networks have started emerging.

The modern Internet is different from what it was over 50 years ago. The equipment, the speed and the target audience have changed. In fact, at first, it was planned that the network would be used only at the state level. However, the World Wide Web is an inevitable part of everyone’s life.

It should be noted, according to a study that was conducted in 2022, the fastest Internet speed in the world was in Taiwan. The average speed was recorded at 135 MBT per second. As for our country, the United States of America ranked fourth. Our average Internet speed was 118 Mbps.

That’s the story of how the World Wide Web was created and launched in Los Angeles. We hope our material was enjoyable for you and you learned more about the history of IT development in your hometown. 

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